Dr. Fernando Aguirre P. is a cardiologist. His work focuses on reducing the prevalence of cardiovascular disease in Ecuador – both at a national level as well as locally in Guayaquil, the second largest city in the country.
He states: “We decided to buy the MESI mTABLET due to its simplicity and diagnostic specificity. We use it for all patients with risk factors for distal vascular disease.”
As an expert on the metabolic syndrome, which he focuses on extensively in his research, Dr. Aguirre is highly aware of the fact that a combination of different conditions results in a much greater risk of cardiovascular conditions. As an illustration, he presented the following clinical case.
Case study

The patient was a 72-year-old male, a smoker with a multitude of comorbidities: diabetes, hypertension and a chronic ulcer on the right foot. His condition was stable, with Class II NYHA classification of heart failure. An exam with MESI ABI technology revealed an ABI < 0.50.
This called for immediate further examinations. An echocardiography, a Doppler ultrasound of the legs as well as an angiogram of the legs and the heart were performed, and the patient underwent aortoiliac revascularization.
As Dr. Aguirre says: “Thanks to the ABI, we performed further examinations and discovered a severe distal vascular disease, which resulted in aortoiliac revascularisation.”
Based on his daily medical practice, he recommends MESI equipment as easy to use, especially when examining smokers, diabetics, hypertensives, those with dyslipidemia as well as patients experiencing claudication when walking.
Article by, MESI.